Friday, August 20, 2010

Denying Reality – Revering Falsehood

So is President Obama a Muslim or not? I don’t know who to believe. Glenn Beck, or everyone else?

Of course the President is not a Muslim. It is a proven, indisputable fact. It’s been demonstrated over and over again that he is a practicing Christian and has been for a very long time. Yet, new polls this week show an increasing number of Americans believe he’s Muslim.

Let’s quickly brush over the question of whether it would be such a bad thing if he were. He isn’t.

What is wrong with people in this country? Are we that stupid or do we just believe what’s convenient to believe?

Selective knowledge is convenient. How easy it is to forget the First Amendment when a house of worship is being built in a location that makes us uncomfortable.

No matter how we harangue Supreme Court nominees about following the Constitution to the letter, it’s very easy to switch gears and casually suggest changing that hallowed document when it inconveniently challenges our prejudices about who should be a citizen.

We are the most information saturated people of all time, but so many of us believe incredible lies in spite of overwhelming evidence:
  • Global warming is a hoax
  • The holocaust never happened
  • The earth is flat
  • Evolution is just a theory
  • Barack Obama was not born an American citizen
  • FOX News is fair and balanced
Perhaps I’m overly preoccupied with the truth. I seem to dwell on scientifically viable fears that most people just ignore.

While most other American viewers were watching America’s Got Talent the other night, I watched a two hour program about the seven top ways the human species might be wiped out. Why I opt for this type of programming for my evening entertainment, I can't say. But that list included:
  • Gamma rays from outer space
  • Passing black holes
  • Killer asteroids
  • Viral pandemics
  • Nuclear weapons
  • The super volcano in Yellowstone
  • And of course, climate change, which was number one on the list
The fact that I remember all seven off the top of my head tells you something about where my head is (I don’t even remember my own work phone number). But I will tell you this: that program was legitimate science and the evidence was presented by real scientists; not talk show drama queens (Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh) who never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

With all the information at our fingertips, why is it so hard for a technological population such as our own to separate the fact from the fiction?

Frankly, the facts are much more sensational. I lose a lot more sleep worrying about that super volcano than about the mosque in my neighborhood.


  1. It seems that we as a piblic have stopped thinking for ourselves and followed the much easier path of passively accepting anything we see on TV or hear on radio as factual. This combined with the simultaneous rise in sensationalist new coverage (and we have only ourselves to blame for that - it's all about the ratings) have brought us to a point where the loudest, the rudest, and the most ridiculus not only get the most air time, but also are never challenged by the few remaining legit news agencies. The solution must be to ignore them - if we can figure out how in the hopes of bringing down ratings and the return of rational and informative (and "real") news.

  2. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the "ignore them" approach is part of the problem rather than part of the solution, at least in some cases (Linda - please don't take this personally, I agree with your overall sentiment, I'm just using your post to make a point).

    For whatever reason those of us on "the left" have been seeding too much ground to the forces of hate and ignorance. We were all taught that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and that it was okay to agree to disagree. Hence when someone says that their interpretation of the Bible leads them to believe the world is only 6,000 years old we have always said "I disagree, but it is a free country and you can believe what you want".

    In my opinion it is time for us to start calling ignorance when we see it. If someone says that the bible says the world is 6,000 years old you say "no it does not and your and idiot if you believe that." I'm closing the Christian Faith - if you believe that Jesus hated homosexuals and supported capital punishment then you are NOT a Christian. End of story get out. No more live and let live, the stakes are too high.

    If seems harsh and goes against everything we have been taught as liberals - after all aren't we supposed to be open minded - remember the alternative is to give the Texas School Board an excuse decide that, since all opinions are equal we, should give creationists an equal say in our schools.

    The era of Live and Let Live is over. It is time to take up arms against ignorance and those who profit from it. If they want to trash a planet then I'll be happy to help build a rocket and send them to Jupiter. Let them trash that planet but they are not welcome on our planet any more.

    P.S. I realize that Linda was probably suggesting we ignore the sensationalist news organizations rather than the ignorant bigots. Up to a point I would agree. It does more harm than good to try and call Rush Limbaugh, or respond to a Fox News Poll (remember - every time you click on a link to any Fox news story, they get money). However it may not hurt to tell your local merchants what you think of their support of agencies like Fox News
