One year, everyone actually decorated shoe boxes with slots in the lids so that we could deliver little greeting cards to each other's desks. Just like back in grade school, you could measure a person's popularity by the number of Valentines crammed into their box. Many had little chocolates attached. Some came in envelopes which exploded in glitter upon opening.
It was hell.
On top of that, I was still reeling from the secret Santa fiasco.
The prior Christmas I decided to really participate fully and be a part of the team. I went to the company holiday party. I also signed up for the secret Santa exchange. In case you are lucky enough to have avoided it, Secret Santas are usually chosen in a drawing. Each person is assigned to be the secret Santa of another person, buying them little gifts during the time leading up to Christmas. The "fun" part is keeping your identity from the person you are giving to and guessing who all that junk appearing on your desk is coming from. It usually culminates right before Christmas in joyful exclamations of surprise when Santas' identities are revealed.
I drew my secret Santa name and planned out a month's worth of toys, coffee, and gift certificates. Pushing the monetary limit, I sneaked my coworker her favorite snacks. I put a decorative stocking full of swag on her desk. I bought a personalized dog toy for her dog. I was kicking Santa ass.
Until the person to whom I was secretly giving all this junk actually looked me in the face and told me she was dissatisfied with the gifts she was getting from her secret Santa. They were cheap, she said.
I was pissed.
She didn't, supposedly, know it was me, but that shouldn't matter. One shouldn't complain about a secret Santa to anyone, just in case. And if she did know it was me, that's even worse.
I was so upset that I decided right there and then never to participate in secret Santa again.
And just when I was getting over it a month and a half later, boom! Valentine's Day.
I think the office should be a place where you go to work. But since Christmas, we've had a couple of birthdays (I must confess, I do like cake), a pot luck, and several "wear your favorite sports attire" days leading up to the Super Bowl. We sure have a lot of fun in my office. With just a week left, dare I hope that Valentine's Day will pass unnoticed?
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