Well, I've tackled many of the issues and my domicile is becoming more livable. It hasn't been a smooth, or cheap, process, but I am moving bravely forward.
For example, the guest bed has been delivered, in plenty of time for the first overnight visitors. Or, well, actually just one visitor. One short visitor (the person being short, not the visit). Turns out the bed is a lot smaller than I expected. Don't ever order a sofa-bed from a catalog. On the upside, Charles the cat has claimed it as his own and covered it with fur.
The prominently empty wall in the living room now has a canvas photographic print which brings out and brightens the colors in the room (wow, I almost sound like a decorator). I still hope to secure an original piece of art from a well known artist - or at least an artist that I know well.
Ants and wasps have been properly subdued. Some other insects continue to challenge. Charles likes to watch spiders. They flourish under his gaze. Miller-moths really bring out his inner wild hunter, but as far as I know he has yet to catch one.
I'm in the process of figuring out where to put my Christmas tree when the time comes.
I still need things like candles and throw pillows (not too many - one can go way overboard with throw pillows). Please don't give me these things - I want to pick my own. Thank you.
I'm still aghast that there are no drawers in the kitchen - that's right, NO drawers - I do have a system of hooks and canisters for organizing everything.
I still don't understand how my furnace works. It's a long story, but the short of it is I'd better learn before it gets cold.
The bump in the garage floor that scrapes the bottom of the car is still there and always will be. I've learned to drive around it, but there's a problem. It seems to be moving from one side of the garage to the other.
The good news is that I'm ready to invite people over to see the place. If you're in the area September 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., stop by for the official housewarming party. It promises to be a fabulous event. Or at least, there will be some food set out. Just let me know if you're coming so I'll have enough chips and salsa. And please, no gifts. I want the house warmed with your presence, not your presents.
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