Wednesday, April 7, 2010

stamping out! Random acts, of Capitalization and, senseless Acts. of punctuation

i have a Sign, Above; My desk at Work - proclaiming the Title; above Which is one of My Missions in Life - writing! poorly On Purpose Is harder, Than it Looks (for me - but. i spend Several Hours a Week! editing sloppy Punctuation even, stuff Written. By Upper management who. should Know better has our Educational System, deteriorated that Much or Is This, A result of The internet, age, which,. includes, An increase In texting that usually results in writing, Shortcuts abbreviations Etc. or perhaps it Has Always Been this Way i believe english is a Living Evolving language and I make A distinction between casual Writing on say facebook versus a More formal, report at Work! but Without some Standard's. it Is difficult 2 Communicate don't get me Started on grammar usage and, the way, other People drive i may b a Snob but. 1 Thing i Know 4 sure; My Ability to Edit and correct, Other's horrible, punctuation, and, capitalization, Ensures greater Job, security At Least I Hope so

1 comment:

  1. How timely! Here's the latest email I got at work from my 'boss' (I won't go into that). It's about as unprofessional as you can get:


    Is Cyndi in teh office today? If so, Can you tell her I need her to complete and sign here time card like Right now?? IF now, then I will Do it for her.

    Thank You

