Thursday, September 10, 2009

And the Wind Blows the Name: Chicago

Since recently asked if I would ever consider relocating to Chicago, I've racked my brain for data about "The Windy City." I'm too lazy to actually do research, but here are some facts I know from PBS documentaries, having been there a few times, and popular trivia I've either absorbed or made up:
  • Even though it's the third largest American City, Chicago is known as the Second City. I know this because of Second City Comedy I've seen on TV.
  • Chicago is the setting of the TBS sit-com, My Boys - also that of the original Bob Newhart Show.
  • I think there's a baseball team there.
  • While it is windy in Chicago, it is known as the Windy City not because of wind, but its penchant for long-winded politicians.
  • It's cold. So cold.
  • Chicago rated in a recent study as the most stressful city in the U.S. largely because of traffic, unemployment, and air quality - I might add weather - so cold.
  • Oprah lives there.
  • Of all the states, Illinois demographics compare most closely to the U.S. as a whole in terms of the balance between urban and rural, Democrat and Republican, etc. Ok, that's not about Chicago, but it's still interesting, I think.
  • Something about a Loop.
  • Chicago burned down back in the 1870s when everything was made of wood, leading to a revival featuring a tradition of creative and distinctive architecture which endures today.
  • Elevated trains - like subways, but above the ground, I guess.
  • When I lived in Omaha, I always had to fly through Chicago and spent many snowed in nights near O'Hare Airport.
  • Not just cold. Frickin' cold.
  • The Sears Tower is now something else but I can't remember what.
  • Lake Michigan.
  • The Michigan Mile - retail Heaven if you are into that sort of thing. Years ago I went into a computer store on Michigan Avenue and saw a movie being played on a laptop computer. "What will they think of next?" I said as I put on headphones and entered a private world which I could take with me anywhere, if I were a millionaire and could afford such luxury. Next thing you'll know, they'll come up with a way to put all of your records on one little device which you can carry around. Yeah, right.
  • Wacker Drive is a street the name of which always makes me laugh. Perhaps it's the images of old Chicago mobsters whacking people, or maybe it's something else.
  • Hub for Amtrak and United Airlines.
  • The smaller, "outlying" airport, Midway, is really just as much of a nightmare as O'Hare.
  • Chicago style pizza style is deep dish, thick, and crusty - mmmm - not thin and flimsy, like the unsatisfying pizza of another city to the east.
  • It is cold there. Frickin' cold.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all of you who so generously corrected my information regarding Chicago. If nothing else, it shows that someone is actually reading these! Among the corrections and clarifications I need to make: Wendy reminds me that it's also gray in the city in addition to cold, and that Michigan Avenue's retail corridor is known as the Magnificent Mile, not whatever I said it was. Joey pointed out that the Cubs play baseball at Wrigley Field and that the tall building formerly known as Sears is now officially the Willis Tower (as in, "What 'chu talkin' 'bout Willis?"). Molly informed me that the White Socks also play in Chicago as do da Bulls and da Bears. Keep those comments coming. Otherwise, how will I ever learn?- Bill
