Note to readers: sorry to inflict all this moving drama on you, but be warned, it's going to last another couple of months.
There are millions of things to do when you buy a new home and prepare to move. In addition to securing the mortgage, struggling to understand realtor lingo, managing inspections and appraisals, and fantasizing about color palates, there are all the little details to take care of. There is no way anyone can remember everything. The solution:
Not a list. Many lists. There's a list for the old house, the new house, a list of what ridiculous things the mortgage lender still needs (last week it was an accounting for every address I've lived at since the 1970s), a list of what needs to be done prior to moving day ... and don't forget the list of regular life things that have nothing to do with the move but must be dealt with regardless, such as getting the cat's medicine refilled.
One list has a note on it to check another list.
Here's a sampling of what's on my lists - and I've only just started:
- Line up movers
- Change address at post office
- Change address for all accounts
- Start planning house warming party
- Move cable
- Figure out what to do with cats during move (tranquilizers?)
- Call Xcel
- Fix garbage disposal old place
- Inspect (replace?) furnace old place
- Find out what kind of filters to buy for new place furnace
- Figure out what to do with those old electronics I don't know where to recycle
- Treat wood floors at new place before moving in
- Get boxes
- Measure new garage to see if car will fit
- Find out how to treat wood floors
- Find a property management company for the old place
- Start boxes for Goodwill
- Change address at work
- Insurance home and car
- Voter registration
- DMV car and driver's license
I remember now why when I last moved in 1997, I swore I would never move again.
When I last moved, I kept all my lists on paper legal pads, noting items with a ballpoint pen and crossing tasks out when completed. How quaint that was!
Now I have an iPhone, something which is new in my life but which I'm finding quite handy. The lists reside primarily in the app called "Reminders." It's nice to be able to whip it out of my pocket and add something when I think of it, and it's nice to have access to my lists when I need to obsess about all that needs to be done. When a task is completed, I can gleefully delete it.
And yet, I'm afraid I'm missing something. Some little task that if I don't do it, will wreck the whole move. If it's any comfort, I don't think anyone's move goes 100 percent perfectly. I think you just have to hold your nose and charge ahead. Speaking of noses, all the dust from moving likely will cause my allergies to flare up. Better put tissues on the list.